Online CPE Training

CPE Training

The Online CPE Extended Unit Program represents an innovative approach to chaplain education, offering a part-time, distance learning platform designed to accommodate a wide range of individuals. Regardless of your current employment status, education level, cultural background, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, language, or spirituality, our program is thoughtfully structured to meet your needs and enrich your understanding of spiritual care. The program is offered in three extended units throughout the year: a fall unit beginning in September and ending in December, a spring unit starting in January and concluding in May, and a summer unit commencing in June and wrapping up in August. Each unit provides an in-depth exploration of chaplain care principles, allowing for the development of practical skills and theoretical understanding. Completing four units of CPE is the established prerequisite for obtaining board Chaplain certification.

CPE Participation

Our program objectives are multifaceted. We endeavor to help trainees build a robust foundation and gain proficiency in spiritual care skills, enabling them to minister to a diverse patient population, their families, and staff. The program serves as a platform to enhance self-awareness in the context of chaplain ministry, gain insight into the clinical learning method, and prepare for a career in professional chaplaincy. A crucial aspect of this journey involves understanding one's strengths and identifying areas of growth in the ministry. Trainees, through individual and group supervision, are encouraged to explore how their personal identity and history influence their ministry style. They are prompted to articulate the theological themes in their practice and develop spiritual assessments of their chaplain encounters.

CPE Objectives

Each unit of the Online Chaplain Professional Education constitutes a rich educational experience. It consists of a minimum of 100 hours of structured learning, accompanied by up to 300 hours of supervised clinical practice, making for a comprehensive total of at least 400 hours. This unique blend of academic and experiential learning is designed to reinforce the theoretical understanding with practical application, thereby enhancing the overall chaplain care proficiency of trainees. Trainees are expected to devote an average of 18 hours per week to direct ministry engagements, encompassing client, patient, family, and staff interactions, alongside 5 hours per week dedicated to structured educational activities. This balance ensures that trainees are fully immersed in the realities of chaplain care, while continually refining their skills and knowledge within a supportive, educational framework.


  • Application fee: Waived.

  • Tuition fee: Waived.

Program Expectations

  • Actively participate in all aspects of the Chaplain Professional Education program.

  • Complete written assignments such as case study reports,reflection papers, evaluations of each CPE unit and other assignments asrequired.


  • Free training.

CPE Application Form

Embrace the opportunity to enhance your spiritual care skills and prepare for a fulfilling career in professional chaplaincy. By completing our straightforward application form, your transformative journey through the CPE Extended Unit Program could begin today. Take the leap - your future is only a few clicks away!

I am open to learning, change, and growth.

I possess the necessary communication skills

Yes, I have a high school diploma.

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